
«Going to places: the world of travelling» («Посещение достопримечательностей: Мир путешествий»)

Автор: Леонова Анна Османовна
Должность: Учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МАОУ "Гимназия (английская)"
Населённый пункт: г. Магадан
Наименование материала: Методическая разработка: план интерактивного урока для 8 класса с применением ИКТ в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС
Тема: «Going to places: the world of travelling» («Посещение достопримечательностей: Мир путешествий»)
Раздел: полное образование


Цыкунова А. О.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Форма проведения: интерактивный урок с применением мультимедийных

средств обучения и технологии Европейского Языкового Портфеля для





тренировочную и контролирующе - кореггирующую функции.

Тема цикла:







travelling» («Посещение

достопримечательностей: Мир путешествий») (учебник для VIII класса

школ с углублённым изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий авторов

О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой, Цикл 5, IV четверть)

Тема урока: «The Seven wonders of the world: a must to see» («Семь чудес

света: то, что необходимо увидеть»)

Необходимое оборудование для урока:

10 компьютеров;

Мультимедийная доска или мультимедийный видеопроектор;

13 Европейских языковых портфелей

Цели урока:

1. Развивающая:

развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся;

создавать мотивацию к изучению языка, работая с мультимедийными

средствами обучения и Языковым Портфелем;








взаимодействия и в сетевой среде.

2. Воспитательная:








коллективе, в сетевой среде;

развивать у учащихся осознанное отношение к процессу обучения и его


воспитывать уважение к соблюдению норм письменной и устной речи;

воспитывать уважение к историческим и природным памятникам, к

наследию мировой культуры;

нацеливать на позитивный жизненный настрой.

3. Практическая:









«Путешествия. Достопримечательности»;









активизация навыков работы с мультимедийными средствами обучения

и с компьютерными обучающими программами;

развитие навыков рефлексии при помощи Языкового Портфеля.

Оснащение урока:

видеопрезентации проетов учащихся;









аудированию, разработанные при помощи программы “Testbuilder”;

аудиозапись песни

учебник для VIII класса школ с углублённым изучением английского

языка, лицеев и гимназий авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой.


проекции 7 чудес света.

I. 1) Introduction to the topic.

T: Hello, Students!

The theme of our lessons has been “The world of travelling” so far. We’ve read

and learned of different places on the planet that are worth to be visited. And today

we are going to learn something really very special and check some skills that you

will assess at home with the help of your portfolios.

2) Speech practice.

T: Have you ever heard anything about the Seven Wonders of the World? Translate,

please. Can you name at least some of them? Who can?


T: Well, I see you do know much, however, we are going to learn more. Let’s look

at the board and read the names of these wonders: (на мультимедийной доске)

The Pyramid(s) of ‘Giza

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Lighthouse at Ale’xandria

The Statue of Zeus

The Temple of ‘Artemis

The Co’lossus of Rhodes

The Mausoleum of Halicar’nassus

T: Any volunteers to read it?

Ps: one pupil is reading, then all together)

II. Developing the skills of listening and reading.

1) T: Let’s listen to the text that will help you to get more information when

and how this list of wonders appeared. You have tests on your desks that you are to

do. You must decide which of the statements are true, false or not mentioned in the

text and show the appropriate card. (открыть WINAMP заранее и поставить на

паузу, чтобы потом нажать только PLAY)

Students are listening to the text “The seven wonders of the Ancient World” twice

and doing the task. (The teacher is reading the statements)

1)The Wonders of the ancient world were created to attract tourists from Ancient

Greece. (N)

2)It was a must for people from the Middle Ages to see the Seven Wonders. (N)

3)The list which contains the seven Wonders of the Ancient World was made in

Ancient Greece. (F)

4)Nowadays people can see only one wonder of those seven. (T)

5)The archaeologists are not quite sure that the Hanging Gardens really existed.


6)The Mausoleum of Maussollos was about 140 feet high. (N)

7)The English word mausoleum originated from the first name of a king. (T)

Additional questions or possible answers:

1.It is not said in the text, it is only mentioned that Greeks described them a lot in

their writings.

2.We can’t understand that from the text, but it is said that in Greek these words

meant this.

3.When was the list compiled? – It was made in the Middle Ages.

4.What is it? - The Pyramid of ‘Giza.

5.It is said in the records that it existed, but it was not proved.

6.Who build it? – The widow of that king built it.

7.What does this word mean? – It means “a tomb”.

T: Yes, you are right, thank you. Today we have 5 experts in this field who have

prepared their multimedia projects. So, you, experts, please tell us what you have

found out. The rest of you, listen attentively as you will have to do a test after it.


Presentation of student’s projects “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient


P1: l





1) The Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Great Pyramid of Giza (also called Pyramid of Khufu, and Pyramid of Cheops), built c. 2560 B.C., is the

oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis near Cairo, Egypt. It is believed the pyramid was built

as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period. The

Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Originally the Great Pyramid

was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface.

2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis, near present-day Al

Hillah, Babil in Iraq. They were built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BCE. He is reported to have constructed the

gardens to please his sick wife, Amytis of Media, who longed for the trees and fragrant plants of her homeland Persia.

The gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes after the 2nd century B.C.

3) The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria (or The Pharos of Alexandria) was a tower built in the 3rd century BC

(between 285 and 247 BC) on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt to serve as that port's landmark, and later, its

lighthouse.With a height estimated at between 115 and 135 m, it was identified as one of the Seven Wonders of the

Ancient World. It may have been the third tallest building after the two Great Pyramids (of Khufu and Khafra) for its

entire life.

4) The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor of the Classical period, Phidias, about 432

BC on the site where it was erected in the temple of Zeus, Olympia, in Greece. The seated statue, some 12 meters tall,

occupied the whole width of the aisle of the temple built to house it. "It seems that if Zeus were to stand up, he would

unroof the temple." The sculpture was made of ivory and gold-plated bronze. It was destroyed by the fire. No copy has


2) The Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis, also known as Temple of Diana, was a Greek temple dedicated to Artemis completed

around 550 BC at Ephesus (in present-day Turkey) under the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persian Empire. Only

foundations and sculptural fragments remain from the temple.

5) The Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek god Helios, erected on the Greek island of Rhodes by

Chares of Lindos between 292 and 280 BC. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Before its

destruction, the Colossus of Rhodes stood over 30 meters (107 ft) high, making it one of the tallest statues of the

ancient world.

4) The Tomb of Mausolus

The Tomb of Mausolus, Mausoleum of Mausolus or Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a tomb built between

353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum in Turkey) for Mausolus, a provincial king in the Persian Empire,

and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. It stood approximately 45 meters in height.

3) (After listening students are sitting at the computers and are doing the tasks

to check their comprehension of the stories. )

T: Do the tasks to check your comprehension of the stories. Open Folder «Teaching

programmes» and launch the programme “Listening test”. What will you have to


P5: Read the names of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (1-7) and match

them with their descriptions (a-g).

T: You will have only 5 minutes to fulfill the task.

4) But just after the text you must do one more test to check your reading skills.

Do you know that there are New Seven Wonders of the World? This test in reading

will help you to know about them. (The test is on the computers but the texts are also


5) You, experts, while 9 students are doing the task on the computers, are doing

the individual task: speaking in the format of NEF, Task C4. The topic of the

dialogue is “Spending holidays”.


STUDENT CARDTask 3 (3-4 minutes)

You are planning a two-week holiday with your friend next summer. You and your friend are

discussing what kind of holiday you should go. You can:

go camping

stay in a hotel by the sea

go on a cruise

go on a cycling holiday

The other student will play the part of your friend (as a teacher).

Remember to:

discuss all the options

take an active part in the conversation and be polite

come up with ideas

give good reasons

find out your friend's attitudes and take them into account

invite your friend to come up with suggestions

come to an agreement

(While all are working I prepare FAR to open WINAMP – “Yellow


6) All right, take your seats now. There are two teams to remember the names

of the wonders in the pictures. Who first will name everything? (Children name the


7) Would you like to see them all? Let’s imagine that we can do it just now, get

on board of our yellow submarine and go!!!

( the cartoon of the song is being played on the multimedia board).

IV. Reflection.

T: Let’s assess our skills and abilities using the European Language Portfolio.

Listening p.35, points 3-5,7-8.

Reading p. 36-37, points 1,4,5,7

Experts, today you can also fill in the Dialogue skills p. 37-38, points 1-14.

I’ll collect your portfolios and fill in my column.

Thank you for the lesson, you were working rather well. The marks for the tests you

already know (according to the tests). Does anybody want to express any ideas or

feelings about your work? Are you satisfied with your results?

P1: I’m satisfied with my results because I was able to put “Tick” almost

everywhere and marks for the tests are good too. (something like that)

T: That’s great, who else is satisfied with personal results?

Almost all

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