
The World of Work

Автор: Поповкина Инна Викторовна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МОУ "Красненская сош им. М. И. Светличной"
Населённый пункт: с Красное, Красненский район, Белгородская обл.
Наименование материала: методическая разработка
Тема: The World of Work
Раздел: среднее образование


The world of


И. В. Поповкина,

учитель английского языка МОУ

«Красненская сош

имени М. И.Светличной»

Topic: “Choosing a career”


What should we take

into account choosing a



- Is it necessary to get

higher education to be


An accountant, an architect, a cashier, an

economist, a computer programmer, a

driver, an engineer, a fireman, a fitness

instructor, a gardener, a nurse, a doctor, a

teacher, a judge, a receptionist


If you want to be … you should get a university degree.

If you want to be … you should study a vocational school.

an accountant

a psychologist

Both deal with


a doctor

a builder

Both build the


a politician

a nurse

Both communicate

with people

an architect

a teacher

Both teach


a pre-school


an economist

Both treat people

Find some jobs which have something in


an accountant

an economist

Both deal with money

a doctor

a nurse

Both treat people

a politician

a psychologist

Both communicate

with people

an architect

a builder

Both build the


a pre-school teacher

a teacher

Both teach children

5 points

4 points

3 points

2-1 points





Check your partner’s answers. Look at the

slide and give a mark.

Check up your answers and give a mark

Mr Jones



A politician

A police


A musician

3 points

2 points

1 point




Let’s check up your home task

Ex. 28, p.68 in your WBs.

Let’s have a rest

Look and Point

Look at the ceiling,

Look at the door,

Look at the window,

Look at the floor.

Point to the ceiling,

Point to the door,

Point to the window,

Point to the floor.

Read the article and find out what is main

message the author wants to get across.

Some words and expressions you need to understand the


Chief executive – президент, глава

исполнительной власти

Short sighted – недальновидный

To take the view – придерживаться


To confine - ограничивать

Game “A career adviser”

You have a chance to become a career adviser and practice in giving

advice to people. Roleplay the conversation with your partner.


I would recommend … to be a driver, because you like working with

machines, has driving license


- I would not recommend you to enter a university, because you are

not very advanced academically, but you are very sociable, so you can

be a shop assistant, a hairdresser, a receptionist or a waitress.

- I would recommend you to become a librarian or a journalist,

because you like reading and writing. May be you can become a


- I would recommend you to be a photographer, because… - I would

recommend … you to be a veterinarian or a farmer, because …

Sum up the ideas. Answer

one of the questions:

What should we take into

account choosing a career?


Is it necessary to get higher

education to be successful?

Home task

By your choice:


Write an essay “What should we take into

account choosing a career?”


“ Is it necessary to get higher education to

be successful?”


Tell about your choice of the future


В раздел образования